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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Getting your Web site found

It's been said that if your Web site can't be found then it's not doing you any good. This is true, and why so much attention is given to SEO, or search engine optimization. Unfortunately, there's also a lot of misinformation around this important topic.

The Good News

You already know the good news. Web sites can be constructed in a way that helps position them highly in a search engine's listings (also called a search "index"). Any Web developer worth their salt considers search engine optimization - "findability" - from the onset of a design. Design Science considers this in every aspect of your Web site.

"So I just pay you some money and I wind up on the top of the Google ranking for 'bakeries', right?" Sorry, it's not quite that simple.

The Bad News - No Silver Bullets

Here's something you may not be aware of: everything there is to know about Search Engine Optimization is freely available on the Internet. There are no trade secrets, no "silver bullets" to leapfrog a Web site to the front of the line. In fact, the search engines spend a great deal of effort to make sure you can't fool them into placing your site artificially high in their index.

Be The Top Listing on Page 1 of Google!

These are words that you won't hear from Design Science. Not because it's not possible but because it doesn't give you the whole story.

Think about it. If someone says "Pay me $50 a month and I'll get you on the top of the Google listings" that would put you ahead of all your competition and essentially everyone in your business. How many of them have paid to be at the top of the list also?

Typically, such claims come with unworkable conditions and with no guarantee. To get you to the top takes some work and knowledge.

The Good News Revisited

Once we get past the idea of needing to pay a montlhly fee to make your site competetive we can get down to work. Design Science works with you to make your site rank as highly as possible. We then review, peridically, to see if the site is still performing well and make recommendations if things need to be tweaked.

But They Said I'd Be Top Ranked!

Design Science is an excellent choice for getting your site found specifcally because we don't make promises we can't keep or waste your time with methods that don't work. We know - and share with you - the proven methods to get your site highly ranked. It takes a little work but it is well worth it.

And... guess what? We don't charge you for incorporating Search Engine Optimization into your Web design. Simply stated no Web desging is complete without it!


There. That wasn't so bad, was it?

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